The British Standard Institution (BSI) describes the Information Manager  as an organisational representative appointed by the employer or asset owner, who is responsible for establishing governance and assuring data and information flow to and from the common data environment (CDE) during the design, construction, operation and maintenance, and disposal or decommissioning of a built asset [from PAS 1192-5]

Due to the importance of Information Management to the Level 2 BIM process the Information Manager role is mandated in the Construction Industry Council (CIC) BIM Protocol.

The role has three main constituents:

  • Managing the Common Data Environment
  • Project information management: and
  • Collaborative working, information exchange and project team management

It is expected that the Information Manager role will be incorporated into existing appointments, the best fit is with either the Design Team Leader or the Project Lead. However, the skill set required is focused on management disciplines – there is no design responsibility. As a result, other disciplines could potentially undertake the role. Only in exceptional circumstances should a stand-alone appointment be considered by the employer.

As part of the BIM Level 2 process the employer is required to name a party to deliver Information Management Services. It is important therefore that the required information management roles, responsibilities, tasks and services are clearly defined in the EIR. 

None of the activities undertaken in the role of Information Management involve taking on design responsibility. However, the role can be undertaken by a Project Team Member with design responsibility such as the Design Team Leader or Main Contractor. A template invitation to tender for the information manager role has been developed by the BIM Delivery Group and can be found at the following link

CDE hosting services associated with the common datA environment are described as an additional service to the information manager appointment. See attached an outline Scope of Services for the role of the Information Manager prepared by CIC.