The BIM Delivery Group would encourage the adoption of the ISO 19650 suite where possible and ensure its adoption is done in a proportionate manner.

Firstly, as ISO 19650 still holds the same principles of what is BIM Level 2, there is no proposed change to the Scottish Governments’ BIM Policy at this stage. We are in a period of transition where the remaining ISO 19650 standards and associated guidance have yet to be published.

Furtherore, existing contractual arrangements will not reference these new standards and it is not the intention to revisit existing contractual arrangements to accomodate the new ISO standards. Whilst the SFT BIM Delivery Group supports the adoption of the latest standards there is no date yet by which a Scottish Public Sector procurer must adopt them by.

From 1st January 2020, the BIM Delivery Group would recommend the following phased approach:-

  • For projects that have commenced procurement of consultants, designers or contractors prior to 1st January 2020, the project should maintain the existing BIM standards that have already been specified and not seek to retrospectively apply ISO 19650 Part 1 & 2.
  • For projects that have yet to commence procurement of the consultants, designers or contractors after the 1st January 2020, the procurer would be encourgaged to adopt ISO 19650 Parts 1 & 2 in a proportionate manner. 

It is recommended that procurers familiarise themselves with these new international standards and work with their supply chains to plan a smooth transition and develop new templates to reflect the changes. The Standard Information Management Plan developed by SFT provides a template which contracting authorities can adopt. 

Considerations When Adopting ISO 19650

  1. Whilst BS1192:2007 and PAS1192-2 are superseded by the ISO they can still be used to support the delivery of BIM Level 1 and 2 on a project. However, it must be extremely clear in the Exchange Information Requirements [EIRs] which standards are being adopted. 
  2. Ensure templates reflect new ISO approach and terminologies. 
  3. Ensure ISO 19650 aligns with any existing contractual or framework arrangements. 
  4. Ensure that the supply-chain have the capability and understand the variance within these new standards.
  5. Refer to the guidance, templates and resources avaliable on the SFT BIM Portal.

Ultimately the ISO 19650 standards will become a requirement in the adoption of BIM and the opportunity exists now to engage and support a smooth transition for industry and the public sector procurer.