This section establishes the technical information requirements, including the software, data drop contents and level of detail.


Software Platforms:

The purpose of this section is to communicate the software platforms and versions where these are known and where they might influence the preparation of a bid. It should define clearly what software platforms that the Employer uses, for example their Common Data Environment (CDE), Computer Assisted Facilities Modelling (CAFM) and BIM/CAD systems. It should be noted that the suppliers must ensure that the attribute data in their BIMs align with the required data exchange formats.


Data Exchange Formats:

The purpose of this section is to define the formats used to deliver data at data drops (supplier information exchanges). The file formats and where appropriate versions should be prescribed to ensure that exchanges are in a data format that the employer can use especially as a transfer to the AIM. As a minimum the employer should consider prescribing:

  • Native discipline based 3D BIM files, product specific for all design and analysis models
  • COBie – data extracted from native files
  • PDF files – to latest version

It is important that the project member should undertake to generate the above data provided in all three formats from the same data set. This should be 

In addition the Employer should also consider requirements for:

  • 3D discipline based model visualisation in latest IFC format extracted from native files
  • 2D Drawing files in dwg format or similar cut from the submitted models
  • Federated model created from discipline 3D model files

All exchanged files should be named as per the requirements of BS1192:2007



The purpose of this section is to ensure the implementation a common coordinate system for all BIM data with consistent adoption for all models. It should define requirements for the common coordinate system for all BIM data.

The suppliers should confirm the spatial coordination proposals in their submitted BEP including:

  • Intersection of grids in global coordinates Easting and Northing
  • Finished Ground Floor Level (FFL)
  • Datum information
  • Units to be used


Level of Definition:

The purpose of this section is to define requirements for information submissions/data drops at project stages.

This information is used to populate the responsibility matrix tables included in the latest CIC BIM Protocol. The responsibility matrix defines the scope of the information models for the purposes of the contract. It is important that the responsibility matrix and MIDP are comprehensive, aligned and is regularly updated. 



The employer should set out any explicit training requirements in the use of any software tools e.g. BIM review packages by the suppliers. The section should provide bidders with details of training that will be provided in connection with project systems, or training requirements which the bidder will be required to deliver as part of their appointment/contract.

The employer should also consider any traning requirements that they may need to provide to the supply chain for example access and use of a Client common data environment.