Following the contract award, it is important that there is clarity of roles, responsibilities and authority for effective information management.

Forming part of the BIM Execution plan, the Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) and Responsibility Matrix are key tools required by the Employers Information Requirements (EIR) that clearly set out what information is to be produced, when and by whom.


Master Information Delivery Plan:

The Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP), is a primary plan which is used to manage the delivery of information during the project lifecycle. It is typically developed by the project delivery manager in collaboration with the task team managers and then used by the project delivery manager to assist in the delivery of project information during the project.
Essentially the MIDP is a collation of Individual Task Information Delivery Plans (TIDP), prepared by other team members, and includes details of when project information is to be prepared, who is responsible for producing the information as what protocols and procedures for each stage shall be followed. Information deliverables which may be listed in the MIDP include (but are not limited to):

  • Models
  • Drawings or renditions
  • Specifications
  • Equipment schedules
  • Room data sheets

PAS1192-2 advises that following contract award an induction meeting should be set up to develop the MIDP with reference to the team member’s TIDPs. The completed MIDP will form part of the post contract-award BIM Execution plan.

A template MIDP can be accessed at the following link:- Template MIDP

A template MPDT can be accessed at the following link:- Template MPDT

Task Information Plan

The Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) is defined by the British Standards Institute as federated lists of information deliverables by each task, including format, date and responsibilities.

It is the responsibility of each task team manager to compile their own TIDP which then assist in the development of the MIDP.  Each task shall have a corresponding milestone that aligns to the overall design and construction programme, taking into consideration any sequencing requirements for the production of information.

Each task shall also detail the responsibility of each supplier’s information and show how responsibility for the preparation of project documents transfer from one team to another. A template for Task information delivery plans is included within the Pre-Contract BIM Execution Plan available via CPIx: CPIx Post-Contract BIM Execution Plan.pdf


Responsibility Matrix:

The PAS notes that the clarity of roles, responsibility and authority are an essential aspect of effective information management.

The Responsibility Matrix clearly sets out the responsibility for the production of information and models for each defined project stage, and to what Level of Definition.

The matrix should be an ongoing development throughout the project. An initial responsibility matrix may just set out generic roles and responsibilities. Following the award of the contract, actual project participants, specialist and supply chain members will be added as the project progresses.

Roles and responsibilities of individual team members as well as the schedule of responsibilities for deliverables of the overall team should be defined. When identifying information management roles, PAS 1192:2 notes that ‘RACI’ indicators could be used to help identify which of a group of participants or stakeholders are responsible (“R”), which are authorizing (“A”), which are contributing to (“C”) or which parties are to be kept informed about a project activity(“I”)

The RIBA Plan of Work Toolbox, offers a free downloadable spreadsheet, in Microsoft Excel format, containing customisable tables allowing easy creation of the Project Roles Table, Design Responsibility Matrix and Multidisciplinary Schedules of Services. The Toolbox also contains helpful guidance and examples.