To prepare the content required to answer an Organisation Information Requirement will often require the collection, aggregation and manipulation of multiple pieces of asset information.

The next step is therefore to identify what pieces of information are needed to inform each OIR. PAS 1192:3 refers to these pieces of information as Asset Information Requirements (AIR’s). Asset Information Requirements are the detailed pieces of data and information about the asset that when placed in context can answer the questions raised in the Organisation Information Requirements.

An OIR might be answered by a single piece of information but it usually requires an aggregation of several pieces of information about an asset. The Asset Information Requirements (AIR's) set out the multiple data requirements to support organisation requirements within the OIR's.

The AIR requires the organisation to classify the data and information being put into the Asset Information Model (AIM) according to an agreed classification system or through structures of the data store and or file store. Trigger events that might require the retrieval of this data include:

  • Receiving information during major works project
  • Deciding to manage asset information according to the PAS
  • Evaluating performance of an asset
  • Planned or reactive maintenance work
  • Minor works (repairs, component replacements)
  • End-of-life works (decommissioning, mothballing)
  • Change in regulations relating to the asset
  • Change in organizational requirements for the asset
  • Change in owner, operator or maintainer

It is important that the AIRs define the data and information required throughout the asset lifecycle. This information needs to be at a sufficient level of granularity to answer the key questions asked at each stage of the asset's lifecycle. These questions are referred to as "Plain Language Questions."