It is important that the employer has a strategy to maintain their Asset Information Model (AIM) within a Common data environment (CDE) during the operational stage and has considered the commercial requirements in relation to these needs. The processes for maintaining the AIM is established in PAS1192-3. This includes the processes and procedures to revise the AIM as the asset changes.

Changes to the AIM will generally be in relation to a trigger i.e. a planned or unplanned event that changes an asset such as major works or planned refurbishment as illustrated in the extract from the PAS below.


These triggers may result in the geometric model(s) and or non-graphical data being updated. In many cases there will be no need to update the geometry but refine the data attributes such as those associated with the replacement of a component.

The likely trigger related events and roles and responsibilities are illustrated in Annex D of PAS1192-3. See example below


It is important that roles, responsibilities and authorities are established for the maintenance of the AIM to ensure that the quality of information and data continue to support the organisational needs.

The organisation should also establish, document, implement and maintain an information management process (IMP) in accordance with the requirements of PAS1192-3. The PAS notes that the IMP shall cover the operational lifecycle of the asset including, but not limited to, handover from design and construction, day-to-day operation of the asset, planned and reactive maintenance, minor works, major works, decommissioning, and dismantling or demolition.