Model Status

Design (Federated) Model


What the model can be relied upon for

Models which communicate the initial response to the brief, aesthetic intent and outline performance requirements. The model can be used for early design development, analysis and co-ordination. Model content is not fixed and may be subject to further design development. The model can be used for co-ordination, sequencing and estimating purposes.


Refined project brief and concept approval

Parametric information

Sufficient data to estimate per square metre rates and other similar metrics. Wireframe or surfaces/ solids Concepts, site context placeholder/ volumes/ package volumes, system routings, site selection, datum points & levels Integrated concept for the project setting scope, scale, form and primary design criteria: architectural form and spatial arrangements, structural/civil philosophy and spatial arrangements, services philosophy and special arrangements preliminary assessment of energy use and embodied/ in-use carbon, incorporation of standard systems

Project costs

Feasibility cost plan Feasibility whole life cost plan